Tuesday, January 11, 2011


My meeting was about the parking problem in AD. I tried to do my best but I just missed some idea’s that could help me in the meeting. In the meeting because of the absence of my colleague Abdullah and the change of my position I thing that I did whatever I could to cover his place but I think I could do better than that if I were well prepared . My team members just said that were ok and nothing else. In the future I will try to improve my meetings by proper preparation and to take enough time for it.

In my semi-formal presentation I just did whatever it takes but I did not practice before the real job. In the presentation day I were not shore if I could do it but when I just started everything comes up automatically. In the future I can just practice before the presentation and try to be better in the future.

I think the best think helped me are my teacher and my classmates feedbacks from the semi-formal which helped me a lot and the 2nd think is the video which mr.Gregory advised as to record it to watch our mistakes. I think my voice level and eye scanning had improved from last presentation.

In this course our teacher helped us to improve our presentation skills and in general how to prepare for a meeting. I believe that these skills are basic skills that will help me in my career next in the meetings. I believe the biggest challenge is the meeting because it is hard to direct a group of people’s conversation with only few days training. In my opinion these are not challenges any because when you just know it and try these tricks you will have easily.


My meeting was about the parking problem in AD. I tried to do my best but I just missed some idea’s that could help me in the meeting. In the meeting because of the absence of my colleague Abdullah and the change of my position I thing that I did whatever I could to cover his place but I think I could do better that that. My team members just said that were ok and nothing else. In the future I will try to improve my meetings by proper preparation and to take enough time for it.

In my semi-formal presentation I just did whatever it takes but I did not practice before the real job. In the presentation day I were not shore if I could do it but when I just started everything comes up automatically. In the future I can just practice before the presentation and try to be better in the future.

I think the best think helped me are my teacher and my classmates feedbacks from the semi-formal which helped me a lot and the 2nd think is the video which mr.Gregory advised as to record it to watch our mistakes. I think my voice level and eye scanning had improved from last presentation.

In this course our teacher helped us to improve our presentation skills and in general how to prepare for a meeting. I believe that these skills are basic skills that will help me in my career next in the meetings. I believe the biggest challenge is the meeting because it is hard to direct a group of people’s conversation with only few days training. In my opinion these are not challenges any because when you just know it and try these tricks you will have easily.

Monday, January 10, 2011

formal presentation

Our colleges Abdullah Ali and Khalid Abdullah did a presentation about land pollution in class T001. Abdullah started the presentation by a brief introduction. Then he talked about the causes of pollution and he gives us the main reasons of it then he discussed the effects of pollution on the different parts of life. After that Khalid continued the presentation and he talked about the ways of reducing the pollution and how we can save the planet and the he showed some possible solutions that could be used. The presentation style was good and the points were simple and well arranged and both of them were using notes to be organized during the presentation. In general the presentation is good and both of them had a loud and clear voice. Abdullah was reading from the notes and his eye contact with the audiences was not good enough. In conclusion they did well but they can improve their skills by practicing more.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Meeting log

In 26th of October in class T001 we had a meeting to discuss the parking problem in our college. I was the chairman of the meeting and my duty was to manage and control the meeting. The meeting in general was good but it had some weakness points like the arrangement of the points and the arrangement of the participates but we had some good points such we covered all the main points clearly and went through each point briefly with the enough coverage of information’s. I had learned many new skills and I had learned how to get a good meeting through the mistakes which I made in this meeting, I had learned how to prepare for a meeting and how to arrange different duties for the meeting participates to get a successful meeting. In the future probably I will try to use the skills I just learned from the exercise and try to be better like putting a clear and a simple agenda and then review it before the meeting to be sure that the meeting that I will be the chairman are the best.

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semi-formal presentation essay

Khalifa Abdullah, my classmate, and his college ID is: H00155341 had started his semi-formal presentation by messing to mention the date & time and the venue. The presentation style in general were good but in the introduces of the topic was not too clear for me because he missed the smooth incline for opening, but his I contact were excellent and his composition was good he was standing at the side of the screen. My college used note cards to organize his presentation but he made a mistake by keep reading from it sometimes and he was speaking in a clear and loud voice. My college Khalifa made a big mistake when he prepared for the presentation just before he starts presenting which made him seems not organized and he just lost the points sometime. He looked confident and he was smiling. The PowerPoint and which he was presenting was not good enough because he just did it in the class. Firstly the slides back ground where expectable and simple he did not used colors or a style in it, then the text were good and clear for me the size and clear were good and he just put few and enough points there, five points, but the visuals were not so good and that made some student to lose the concentration on the presentation. The presentation in general was good and simple he achieved the basic requirement of any basic presentation bet we should remember that it is an exercise and we should learn from our mistakes.