Saturday, December 18, 2010

semi-formal presentation essay

Khalifa Abdullah, my classmate, and his college ID is: H00155341 had started his semi-formal presentation by messing to mention the date & time and the venue. The presentation style in general were good but in the introduces of the topic was not too clear for me because he missed the smooth incline for opening, but his I contact were excellent and his composition was good he was standing at the side of the screen. My college used note cards to organize his presentation but he made a mistake by keep reading from it sometimes and he was speaking in a clear and loud voice. My college Khalifa made a big mistake when he prepared for the presentation just before he starts presenting which made him seems not organized and he just lost the points sometime. He looked confident and he was smiling. The PowerPoint and which he was presenting was not good enough because he just did it in the class. Firstly the slides back ground where expectable and simple he did not used colors or a style in it, then the text were good and clear for me the size and clear were good and he just put few and enough points there, five points, but the visuals were not so good and that made some student to lose the concentration on the presentation. The presentation in general was good and simple he achieved the basic requirement of any basic presentation bet we should remember that it is an exercise and we should learn from our mistakes.

1 comment:

  1. Saoud:
    Very interesting comments about Khalifa's presentation. Give more suggestions for improvement.
    Be careful with spelling, (the word is 'missing').
    Good start, use paragraphs to separate your ideas.

