Tuesday, January 11, 2011


My meeting was about the parking problem in AD. I tried to do my best but I just missed some idea’s that could help me in the meeting. In the meeting because of the absence of my colleague Abdullah and the change of my position I thing that I did whatever I could to cover his place but I think I could do better that that. My team members just said that were ok and nothing else. In the future I will try to improve my meetings by proper preparation and to take enough time for it.

In my semi-formal presentation I just did whatever it takes but I did not practice before the real job. In the presentation day I were not shore if I could do it but when I just started everything comes up automatically. In the future I can just practice before the presentation and try to be better in the future.

I think the best think helped me are my teacher and my classmates feedbacks from the semi-formal which helped me a lot and the 2nd think is the video which mr.Gregory advised as to record it to watch our mistakes. I think my voice level and eye scanning had improved from last presentation.

In this course our teacher helped us to improve our presentation skills and in general how to prepare for a meeting. I believe that these skills are basic skills that will help me in my career next in the meetings. I believe the biggest challenge is the meeting because it is hard to direct a group of people’s conversation with only few days training. In my opinion these are not challenges any because when you just know it and try these tricks you will have easily.

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